KEY 1: Write a "People Plan"
If you have not seen your Business Plan, the first thing you should do is to access it. Employer Branding is a prerequisite for success with the business plan. Just drawing the attention of management to the fact that you need the business plan to do your job will lift your important work high on the agenda. Once you have the business plan in front of you, use it as a template for writing a People Plan. Put extra focus on these three parts:
- Market analysis which in your People Plan becomes an analysis of the talent market and the employees
- Services and products that you translate to employees
- Market and Sales that become Employer Branding and recruitment in your plan
KEY 2: Anchor Employer Branding in the management team
If you do not have the management with you, it will be difficult to get the budget you need and have free rein to work successfully with Employer Branding. Here, your task will be to explain to management - in the language of management - that the work with the employer brand affects all parts of the organization. And the management language speaks "Vision", "Return on Investment (ROI)", "Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)" and results. The key is to link your investments and KPIs to the business's overall Vision, KPIs and results.
KEY 3: B2B + B2C + B2E = True!
You will get the best results if you find a close collaboration with marketing and communication. Of course, the employer brand can not be the same as your consumer brand - the two make different demands on being relevant and distinctive. But they should be best friends and go hand in hand. So that there are synergies between Business to Business, Business to Consumer and Business To Employee.
KEY 4: Understand the power of Employer Branding for the entire organization
Wrong expectations are the fastest way to uncommitted employees - and uncommitted employees are guaranteed to give poorer results for the entire business. If, on the other hand, you have a start-up employer brand, the result will be committed employees who strive for more satisfied customers, better collaboration with colleagues and a willingness to do things better. This in turn affects the results for product managers, site managers, project managers, middle managers - and for management and the CEO. Not to mention the most obvious when it comes to employer communication - better results for recruiters and HR such as fewer sick leaves, lower staff turnover and less costly recruitment.
KEY 5: Set the right KPIs and follow up
When you set KPIs and measure ROIs, it is easy to stop at advertising costs and recruitment costs. Of course, it is important and actually not so difficult to find your metrics in the tactical recruitment communication. However, Employer Branding affects many more budgets and results in the organization. If you want to raise the level of your Employer Branding strategy, the key is to look up and dare to look at costs and increased revenue such as customer satisfaction, productivity, staff turnover and innovation. With the right employer communication, you not only attract the right employees, but you also continuously meet expectations, throughout the employee journey. It gives better results for everyone - from recruiter to CEO.