Tactical planning for content and distribution paves the way for successful recruitment campaigns.

Tactical planning for content and distribution paves the way for successful recruitment campaigns.
About the case
Employer branding campaign to attract primary target groups.
We did:
Concept & content.
Channel & distribution.
20,4 %
view rate
"You can choose between 150 different professions all over the country. We have challenges that require Sweden's sharpest employees."
The challenge
The Swedish Transport Administration has a high recruitment target of 2100 external recruitments before the year 2023. The primary target groups are civil engineers, university engineers and system developers/IT, talent that all employers fight for. The Transport Administration approaches the challenge with a systematic and well-planned employer branding work. The long-term goal is to retain as well as recruit the right people.
Employer branding on social media
With an employer branding campaign based on data-driven conversion and A/B testing Keeparo strengthens the Swedish Transport Administration as an attractive employer.
The strategic messaging of the campaign focuses on employer profiling, offer (EVP) and values, expressed in real quotes from employees. This gives the target groups a genuine picture of how it is to work at the Swedish Transport Administration and what future colleagues are like.

Find the right channels with us
Our recommendation was to advertise on Meta and LinkedIn as well as with programmatic advertising – online on sites with relevant articles. With the relevant content and the right channels, the Swedish Transport Administration will reach its audience.